Lunch Instructions
How to Order Lunch:
Login to ParentsWeb
District code: SN-OK
Click on student (located on left side)
Click on Lunch ( on upper right side menu can be sorted by “day”, “week”, “month” view)
Click on Create Web Order (located by student name)
Student Name
Lunch Order Form
Select individual dates
Add Quantity (1 lunch per student. Families with multiple students will order for each student separately)
Submit Order ( It’s sensitive! Double clicking may duplicate the order)
How to View Lunch Order:
Login to ParentsWeb
District code: SN-OK
Click on student (located on left side)
Click on Lunch ( on upper right side menu can be sorted by “day”, “week”, “month” views)
Red = items ordered and not yet paid through web payment
Blue = items ordered and paid through web payment
Green = items ordered, paid, and changed by school
*Click on the print icon (top right) to send order to home printer for a copy of the lunch calendar.
Helpful Tips
If an error message appears after “submit and pay” was clicked once, please call the school to verify. Clicking on the submit order again may duplicate the order.
Try to order on a computer instead of a mobile device.
Safari web browser may also cause issues, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.
Any questions!? Please call us. We're happy to help.