Our Process (Checklist)
Our admissions process is thorough and personalized, allowing us to build meaningful relationships with each family and understand every student's unique potential. Our goal is to support the educational journey of all children in our community, offering tuition assistance that prioritizes accessibility over achievement. At the Lab School, we embrace the philosophy that 'every child is a learner.'
1. Inquire
Are you interested in learning more? Click here to provide us with details and let's get the ball rolling!
What to expect:
2-3 minutes to provide basic information through an online form
A follow-up email inviting you to schedule a tour.
2. Apply
If you've already toured or know enough about the Lab School that you'd like to start the application process then simply click here to begin.
What to expect:
Application fee of $50
Copies of previous school records including any educational or diagnostic testing, standardized tests, transcripts, and report cards from the last two years (does not apply to Preschool and Kindergarten applicants)
Copy of the birth certificate
Copy of immunization records
Home School Transcript form (if applicable)
3. Student Assessment (Shadowing)
After you complete the application process, we will contact you to set up shadowing and assessment for incoming students (Monday through Thursday).
Note: Incoming PreK and Kindergarten students will be assessed during parent visit.
What the student should expect:
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Arrive at school and meet the assigned Lab School student to Shadow for the day
Wide-range assessment (Reading, Comprehension, Spelling, and Math)
Student meets with Principal to discuss their visit
4. Parent Visit
A parent appointment will be arranged with the school on the same day the student shadows (Mon-Thur). This is a time to answer questions you might have, determine the school’s ability to meet the needs of your student and assess philosophical compatibility.
What the parent should expect:
11:30 pm - 30-minute meeting with the Lab School Administration
5. Acceptance
Once you have completed application, student testing, and the parent interview, our admissions committee will meet to consider your application.
What to expect:
Our admissions committee meets every two weeks during the school year to review applicants.
Commitee considers feedback provided by Guiding Teacher during the shadowing experience.
Acceptance or non-acceptance will be communicated to all families in a timely manner.
Admission is not guaranteed.
Please Note: Students who are admitted will experience a 9-week probationary period when staff will more fully asses each student's academic, social, and emotional ability to effectively function within the established learning environment. In the unlikely event that the environment is not a good fit for the student, it may be necessary for the school to release the student and refund tuition.
6. Enrollment
The re-enrollment deadline for current students occurs in February. Spaces become available to new students following the re-enrollment deadline. If your child has been accepted and if space is available, an enrollment contract will be emailed to you. After March, applications are accepted and applicants are placed as space becomes available.
What to expect:
Enrollment fee of $350
Before and After Care Enrollment form (if applicable)
7. Grant & Aid Awarded
Application for financial grants and aid are made through a non-bias third party, FACTS. Applications are due by April 15 of the year for which application is being made. Applicants can apply online by clicking the FACTS link here.
What to expect:
$45 Application fee
Copies of your Federal tax forms including all supporting tax schedules.
Copies of supporting documentation (when applicable) for:
Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers’ Compensation, and TANF.
All supporting documentation can be uploaded in pdf or jpeg format online.
Families are notified of the financial aid award amount in June.